KickAss Delphi Programming: Cutting-edge Delphi Programming by Don Taylor, Jim Mischel, John Penman, Terence Goggin

By Don Taylor, Jim Mischel, John Penman, Terence Goggin

Such a lot code samples do not even bring together. a 3rd of the publication is wasted on a few fictional account of an idiotic detective (what does that experience to do with Delphi programming??). The technical details is scarce, and there's no intensity whatever. no longer definitely worth the attempt of starting the package deal.

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Free all internal memory allocated during processing of the dropped files. f. e. File Mangler). 3. At program shutdown, call DragAcceptFiles, passing it a window handle and a False flag to discontinue acceptance of dragged files by the window. Previous Table of Contents Next Products | Contact Us | About Us | Privacy | Ad Info | Home Use of this site is subject to certain Terms & Conditions, Copyright © 1996-2000 EarthWeb Inc. All rights reserved. Reproduction whole or in part in any form or medium without express written permission of EarthWeb is prohibited.

Function ProcessBool ( Param : String; var OnOff : Boolean ) : Boolean; begin Result := True; if (Length (Param) = 0) then begin OnOff := True; Exit; end; case Param[1] of '+' : OnOff := True; '-' : OnOff := False; else begin WriteLn ('Error: Result := False; end; end; + or - expected'); end; { ProcessInt Extract an integer from the passed command line parameter. } function ProcessInt ( Param : String; var Value : Integer ) : Boolean; begin if (Length (Param) = 0) then begin Result := False; WriteLn ('Error: integer expected'); Exit; end; Result := True; try Value := StrToInt (Param); except WriteLn ('Error: integer expected'); Result := False; end; end; { ProcessString Copy the passed string to the Option variable.

When the form is closed, call the FMDD interface to stop accepting dropped files. 6. 6 The interface section of the new FMDD unit interface uses Windows, Messages, Classes, Controls; type TDragDropInfo = class (TObject) private FNumFiles : UINT; FInClientArea : Boolean; FDropPoint : TPoint; FFileList : TStringList; public constructor Create (ANumFiles : UINT); destructor Destroy; override; property property property property end; NumFiles : UINT read FNumFiles; InClientArea : Boolean read FInClientArea; DropPoint : TPoint read FDropPoint; Files : TStringList read FFileList; TFMDDEvent = procedure (DDI : TDragDropInfo) of object; procedure AcceptDroppedFiles (Control : TWinControl; AOnDrop : TFMDDEvent); procedure UnacceptDroppedFiles (Control : TWinControl); Note that the TDragDropInfo object remains the same.

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