Religious Responses to Political Crises in Jewish and by Henning Graf Reventlow, Yair Hoffman

By Henning Graf Reventlow, Yair Hoffman

This booklet maintains a sequence of volumes containing the papers learn at an annual convention held in flip by way of Tel Aviv and Bochum during a co-operation among the Lester and Sally Entin college of Humanities, Chaim Rosenberg tuition of Jewish experiences, the dept of Bible of Tel Aviv college and the college of Protestant Theology within the collage of the Ruhr, Bochum, on account that 1985.

As a suite the publication specializes in the $64000 function spiritual perspectives have performed in serious moments in the course of Jewish and Christian background. It argues for the importance that the position non secular ideals play in political and fiscal decision-making and the formation of worldviews; in addition to demonstrating universal convictions held by means of either Jewish and Christians that may be used as a origin to discover related solutions to genuine problems.

Focusing at the convention held in March 2005 at Tel Aviv, the booklet encompasses a gathered biography of the literature quoted in addition to an inventory of ordinary abbreviations.

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M ow inckel, Z u r K om position d e s Buches Jerem ia (K ristiania: Jacob D ybw ad, 1914), w ho suggested (p. 31) id en tify in g as so u rce “C ” th e follow ing passages in th e book o f Jerem iah: Jcr 7 :l- 8 :3 ; 11:1 -5, 9 14; 1 8 :1 -1 2 ; 2 1 :1 -1 0 ; 25:1 -1 la ; 3 2 :1 -2 , 6 -1 6 , 2 4 -4 4 ; 3 4 :1 -7 , 8 22; 35:1 19; 44:1 - 1 4 . 1 suggest adding m ore p a ssa g e s (1 4 :1 1 -1 6 ; 1 7 :1 9 -2 7 ; 2 5 :1 3 b -1 4 ; 3 1 :2 3 -4 0 ; 3 3 ; 4 2 :7 -2 2 ; 4 3 :8 -1 3 ; 44:15—30; 4 5 :1 -5 ).

G . B riggs, P salm s II (IC C ; E dinburgh: T . & T . C lark, 1907), 197-201. 16. H. J. Kraus. Psalm en (B K A T 15/1; N eukirchen-V luyn: N eukirchener, 19 6 1), 5 4 9 -5 3 . 17. B. D uhm , D ie Psalm en ( Tübingen: J. C. B. M ohr, 1922). 2 0 6 -7 . 18. H. ; G öttingen: V andenhoeck & R uprecht, 1968), 3 4 8 -5 0 . HOFFMAN P a ttern s o f R elig io u s R esponse 23 m o re creativ e. , reco n stru ctin g a n alleg ed d estru ctio n o f Jeru salem in th at year. H is p ro o f o f th is alleg ed catastrophe is P s 79, alo ng w ith so m e o th e r tex ts reflecting a n atio n al crisis w h o se historical b ack g ro u n d is d isp u ted ,20 w h ich is a c le a r case o f a v icio u s circlc.

J. ,” HUCA 27 ( 1956): 10 f - 7 9 ; H UCA 28 (195 7): 15-47. 20. g. D eut 2 3 :3 -9 ; Isa 24; 6 0 :8 -2 2 ; Pss 2; 20; 21; 23; 74— altogether som e 50 b ib lica l passages. S ee M o rg e n ste m 's list in H UCA 28 (1957): 47. 21. 2 K gs 25:1 -2 1 ; J e r 39:1 - 7 ; 5 2 :4 -3 0 ; 2 C h r 3 6 :1 7 -2 0 . T here a re so m e inconsistencies reg ard in g the d e ta ils o f th e siege, th e d estru ctio n , the n u m b er o f exiles, and the theological interpretation o f the events, b u t none arc relev an t to th is study.

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