Revista de Medicină Legală: Romanian Journal of Legal by Dan Dermengiu

By Dan Dermengiu

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This case report is intended to remind the clinicians that extensive melanosis coli may mimic ischemic colitis and thus must be considered as a differential diagnosis. Key Words: melanosis coli, antiobesity drugs, rhubarb M elanosis coli is a common condition characterized by brown or black pigmentation of the colonic mucosa. The condition itself is asymptomatic and the diagnosis is usually made on incidental endoscopic or histological findings. The importance of correctly diagnosing melanosis coli lies in the fact that if extensive, it can mimic ischemic mucosa and thus pose a diagnostic dilemma.

Diaconu C. Silca G. Forensic and anatomic signification of phenotype transformations inside fetus membranes. Part One : Amnion and lamina chorionica. Rom J Leg Med. 2009 ; 3 : 173 - 186. 16. ,Diaconu. C. Forensic and anatomic signification of phenotype transformations inside fetus membranes. Partr Two : Trophoblastic membrane. Rom J Leg Med. 2009 ; 4 : 257 - 264. 17. , Mohab Mohy El Din Mohamed A new structural concept in the organization of placenta mesenchyme, : Allanto – Chorionic Parangium “ and “ Chorio – Villous Mesangium “ as a location for Mesenchyme Stromal Cells insidwe Human Placenta.

Trophoblast is implemented inside three structures that can be considered as micro anatomic phenotype markers for chorial villi during the third trimester of gestation: “real sprouting”, “syncytial knots”, “syncytial knoting”. Placenta mesenchyme generates sinusoid blood capillaries and represents the location for their evolution during gestation dynamics. It contributes to the development of contention structures: atlantochorionic parangium and chorio-villous mesangium (Dragoi et al, 2010) [12].

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