Symplectic Manifolds with no Kähler Structure by Aleksy Tralle, John Oprea (auth.)

By Aleksy Tralle, John Oprea (auth.)

This is a examine monograph protecting nearly all of identified effects at the challenge of creating compact symplectic manifolds with out Kaehler constitution with an emphasis at the use of rational homotopy idea. lately, a few new and stimulating conjectures and difficulties were formulated as a result of an inflow of homotopical principles. Examples contain the Lupton-Oprea conjecture, the Benson-Gordon conjecture, either one of that are within the spirit of a few older and nonetheless unsolved difficulties (e.g. Thurston's conjecture and Sullivan's problem). Our particular objective is to elucidate the interrelations among yes elements of symplectic geometry and homotopy idea within the framework of the issues pointed out above. we think that the reader knows the fundamentals of differential geometry and algebraic topology at graduate level.

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Z k) and w = ( w l , . . , w k) are in C k. If we write z i = x i + i y i and w i = it i + iv i, then (z,w) k k = ~-~XiUi + yivi + i ~-~yiui-i=1 i--1 xivi. FORMALITY AND KAHLER MANIFOLDS 23 T h e first term is the s t a n d a r d dot p r o d u c t in ll~2k. T h e second term is alternating, so is a 2-form on I1~2k. Define a~ = ~ = 1 Y itti -- xil)i to be this 2-form. T h e n a~ is closed and nondegenerate and C k is symplectic. (5) T h e previous example m a y be generalized as follows. Let M denote a complex k-manifold endowed with a Hermitian metric (in local analytic coordinates (zl, .

Now, observe that the right arrows in both rows of the diagram are surjections which are identities on A(X) and A(Y) respectively. Therefore, the diagram may be completed by a natural DGA-map ~ : (A(Y), d . ) -~ (A(X), dx). By [H1], since the leftmost vertical arrows are quasi-isomorphisms, then so is c~. 11, a is then an isomorphism. The proof of l) is much more difficult and requires a lot of technical work with the algebras A*pL(M), A*pL(E ) and A~,L(F ). 3) for complete details and only outline the proof here.

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