Growth, Employment, Inequality, and the Environment: Unity by A. Figueroa

By A. Figueroa

Progress, Employment, Inequality, and the surroundings bargains with the basic fiscal difficulties of our time: employment, inequality, the surroundings, and caliber of existence. This interesting new quantity is exclusive in that it's the first ebook of its type during which those difficulties are analyzed utilizing a unified concept framework. Figueroa achieves his target by means of addressing major difficulties. First, to unravel the epistemological demanding situations of creating harmony of information, he offers a unified concept of capitalism. moment, he considers the epistemological challenge of the position of conception in medical wisdom. This ebook for this reason bargains with a constant theoretical approach. That having been acknowledged, those theories which comprise logically right propositions could change into empirically fake. for you to stay away from this mistake, a few ideas of clinical wisdom are wanted. development, Employment, Inequality, and the surroundings provides a mode that includes such ideas. the tactic is derived from the Popperian epistemology, making it operational in economics. The proposed unified idea is accordingly empirically legitimate; it's a sturdy approximation of the genuine international. Theoretical economics is therefore taken care of lower than specific epistemological ideas: thought is the servant, no longer the grasp.

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Additional info for Growth, Employment, Inequality, and the Environment: Unity of Knowledge in Economics: Volume I

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The factors that constitute the ultimate cause of changes in production and distribution—the exogenous variables—and the underlying mechanisms are particular to each theory. An economic theory contains a set of primary assumptions from which beta propositions are logically derived. There are however some particularities in the application of the alpha-beta method to economics, which are now spelled out. Economics Assumes No Ontological Universalism Physics is considered the exemplar of factual sciences.

This group is called the underemployed. The excess labor supply takes the form of unemployment in the First World, whereas in the Third World it is composed of unemployment and 34 M Growth, Employment, Inequality, and the Environment underemployment, the latter being the more significant. Therefore, the common practice of using the unemployment rate as the criterion for making international comparisons about the excess labor supply is unwarranted. Unemployment figures underestimate the magnitude of the total excess labor supply in the Third World.

Basically, auxiliary assumptions refer to the particular context in which social actors operate. In the study of the capitalist society, for example, consider an economic theory that assumes the market system and the democratic system as the basic institutions. Then the following possible social contexts can be established: (a) On the market system: assume the particular degree of market power (perfect competition—absence of market power—monopoly, or oligopolistic competition); (b) On the democratic system: assume the particular political power structure (highly participatory, representative, or authoritarian); (c) On the nature of the economic process: static, dynamic, or evolutionary.

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