Intermediate Statistics for Geographers and Earth Scientists by R.B.G. Williams

By R.B.G. Williams

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2368 1 16. 09069 2. 88 287 152. 52818 17 7. 88287 = 9. 068 . The numerator ha s 2 de grees of freedom and the denominator 10 . Accor di ng to Table G the va l ue of P lies between 0. 005 and 0. 001. It is r easonable to as sume therefore that slope ang l es reall y do va ry from va l ley to vall ey . The r at io of the va r iance es t i mat es for interact ion and error is F = 2 . 3 995. This is not s i gni f i cant at the 5% l eve l. The dat a provide no convi nci ng evidence that ero sional en vironment 1nteracts with orientation to affect s l ope angles.

00731 10. The asso ci ated degrees of freedom are 4 - 1 11. The s um of s qua res for error i s SSE = SST = 3. 08435 . 12. The de grees of freedom for error are (k - l)( a - 1) = (3)(6) = 18. 13 . 11 . 9 4674 27 14 . 520. Since F is l ess th an 1 the differences between blocks are not significant . Taking tran s ects appare n t l y did not destroy the r andomness of the samp l i ng . 15. 00469 30 . 0005 level. The mean s ize of the s and grains almost certainly varies with topogr aph i c position, contrary to the null hypoth esis.

00436 do not differ very much. Had the differences between blocks been statistically significant the variance estimate for error would have been appreciab ly reduced . If the variance estimate for blocks in an ANOVA turns out not to be significant, some statisticians recommend combining the sum of squares for blocks with the error sum of squares, and the degrees of freedom for blocks with the error degrees of freedom, in order to obtain a revised variance estimate for the error - the estimate that would be obtained if no allowance were made for the blocks .

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