QIMP-15 by Dr. Ridwan Ullah Shahidi

By Dr. Ridwan Ullah Shahidi

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ADLOCK Tab. Sonear placenta. :. B·CARD·50 Tab. Nipa Propranolol hydrochloride I Omg, 40mg & and lactation. 00 MRP 80mg/tablet. :. G·PROPRANOLOL Tab. Gonoshas. Angina, l00mg daily in 1 or 2 doses Propranolol hydrochloride 40mgltablet. :. INDEVER Tab. ACI Propranolol hydrochloride 10mg & 40mgltablet. 00 MRP of 10mg. :. INDEVER SR Cap. ACI repeated at 5-minute intervals to a maximum Arrhythmias, 150mcg/kg over 20 minutes, Propranolol hydrochloride 40mg & 80mglcapsule repeated every 12 hours if required.

OO MRP I 2 . :. CARVIDA Tab. :. CARVISTA Tab. :. CAVELON Tab. Drug Inter. :. CARVIPRESS Tab. :. COREL Tab. :. DILAPRESS Tab. Beximco thus lower peripheral resitance. Smg once daily, then increased to 2Smg daily after 2 days; the dose may further be increased to max. SOmg daily in single or divided doses, at intervals of at least 2 weeks, if necessary. Smg daily may be sufficient for adequate control. Smg twice daily, then increased to 2Smg twice daily after 2 days. Smg twice daily, then to 2Smg twice daily.

CORDARONE Tab. Sanofi-aventis followed by the appropriate maintenance dosage. In patients with renal insufficiency, dosage schedule should be made according to the creatinine clearance rate. If clearance rate is if 30- 40-30mllmin, give l00mg 8 hourly; result, there is a drop in blood pressure. Because Amiodarone hydrochloride BP lOOmg & with congestive heart failure. lOOmg x 30's pack: 221 . 10 MRP Child: Not recommended. :. PACET Tab. Beximco disopyramide is used along with beta­ fibrillation, and atrial flutter.

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