The Middle atmosphere by S. V. Venkateswaran, N. Sundararaman

By S. V. Venkateswaran, N. Sundararaman

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Fymat and C. B. ~2 II'. Figure I Illustrating the geometry for satellite so|ar occu|tation sounding of the atmosphere. and the gaseous constituents (air, 03 and NO2). 0/zm. It must be immediately noted that the scientific return of a SAGE-type experiment (and, for that matter, of any remote sensing experiment) will be determined by two main considerations: optimized design of instrumental parameters, and data reduction techniques. Considerable progress in both areas has been accomplished, on the experimental side during the precursor SAM (Stratospheric Aerosol Measurement), SAM II, and ASTP (Apollo-Soyuz Test flight Project) experiments (PEPIN, 1975), and on the theoretical side through a better understanding of the mathematical illconditioning of the inversion problem and the derivation of a number of solution algorithms (DEEPAK, 1977; FYMAT, 1978; TWOMEY, 1978).

Acknowledgements This research was carried out with partial support from 'Progetti Finalizzati' of Consiglio Nazionale delle Ricerche (CNR) of Italy. REFERENCES ACKERMAN, M. (1971), in Mesospheric Models and Related Experiments, (G. ), D. Reidel, Dordrecht, 149-159. CADLE, R. , KIANG, C. S. -F. (1976), The global scale dispersion of the eruption clouds from major volcanic eruptions, J. Geophys. Res. 81, 3125-3132. CALLIS,L. , BOUGHNER,R. E. and BARKS'fROM,B. R. (1976), The stratosphere: scattering effects, a coupled 1-D model, and thermal balance effects, Proc.

A careful analysis of this problem leads to the conclusion that the aerosol and ozone number densities for altitudes below 25 km cannot be simultaneously recovered without introducing some formula for the aerosol extinction, or assumptions on the form of the aerosol size distribution and the value of the refractive index. The assumed form of the aerosol extinction may, of course, not be correct and thus produce unknown aliasing effects in the recovered number densities for ozone and aerosols. Chu and McCormick adopted a power-law type (Junge) model for this distribution such that flA()~) = Ah ~ (subscript 'A' denotes aerosols), where A and ~ are unknown parameters, and A involves the aerosol number density and the lower and upper radii values of the distribution.

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