Professional LAMP : Linux, Apache, MyDQL and PHP 5 web by Jason Gerner; et al

By Jason Gerner; et al

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Function __set($property, $value) { //check to see if the property exists within the class //and if it does, set it to the value being passed //otherwise do something we want it to, such //as show an error. } function __call($method, $array_of_arguments) { //check to see if method exists within the class //and if not, do something such as defer it to //another class containing the method or //print an error statement. 8 What’s New in PHP5? > Chapter 2 discusses overloading in greater detail. New Functions Here is a comprehensive list of all the new functions in PHP5, with the exception of those requiring extensions: ❑ array_combine(): Combines two arrays into one and uses one array for values, the other for keys.

Static members and methods can be accessed throughout the script. There are some important things to note about the use of the static keyword. First, instead of accessing the variable from within the class with the $this->varName syntax, you should use self::$varName. In the previous example, you accessed the self::$count member from a different function, but because static members are available to anything inside the class, you still used the self:: syntax. Second, when accessing a static member from outside the class, you should use the syntax className::$varName.

The methods available to this class are: ❑ close: Closes the resultset (named mysqli_free_result in procedural programming). ❑ data_seek: Moves internal result pointer. ❑ fetch_field: Retrieves column information from a resultset. ❑ fetch_fields: Retrieves information for all columns from a resulset. ❑ fetch_field_direct: Retrieves column information for specified column. ❑ fetch_array: Retrieves a result row as an associative array, a numeric array, or both. ❑ fetch_assoc: Retrieves a result row as an associative array.

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